Waffle Bar and Easter Crafts
Let the kids serve themselves this Easter! Set up a cute Waffle Bar with all the toppings!
Plus check out these fun ideas for keeping the kids busy while you continue enjoying your meal.
Set up a special waffle bar for the kids this Easter!
It’s not brunch if there isn’t waffles so set up a small area for the kids to dress up their own delicious waffles. I need to take a second right here and tell you that these waffles smelled AMAZING (and of course tasted that way too once I finally stole one). The little bit of cinnamon that my friend, Amy, added to the batter rocked my world. Again, I kept the table really simple (and totally forgot to put the maple syrup on the table…) And instead of blood orange mimosas for the kids, we swapped out the champagne and replaced it with a little Sprite to make them a sparkly orange soda. The kid’s were crazy for it. Super easy.

I wanted to keep the yarn theme going on the kid’s waffle bar table so we added a yarn egg. And I knew I wanted to do some kind of straw embellishment but didn’t want the yarn to shed in to the drinks. I took small lengths of yarn, taped them to a piece of paper and then scanned it to make my own yarn-like paper and created the flags from that. For the waffle bar toppings, we set out fresh fruit (again, I forgot to put out the syrup) but kids also love this brown sugar bacon butter on waffles! Of course this idea works for adults to and you can put together a Belgian waffle bar.

Amy wanted to have activities for the kids. What is an Easter party without an egg hunt I ask you?! The egg hunt keeps them busy for a little while but they need a few more things to keep them busy while the adults are rushing around preparing the food. I found a free “font” on Da Font with Easter graphics and created this quick coloring book for the kids.

Amy put together this really cute butterfly craft (similar to this bat craft I made). She printed and cut out different butterflies, let the kids paint them with watercolors. And when they were dry, she attached them to pieces of empty toilet paper roll which acts as a cuff for their arms. The kids had a blast running around the yard with their butterflies. Yes, that last picture is of my new 5 year old BOY. He has made it clear that he will not be cutting his “rock star” hair for “100 years.” And it doesn’t look this girly normally. Only whilst frolicking.
this is the CUTEST party!! right up my alley: adorable details but nothing too over-the-top. that yarn egg is great — and waffle bar? sign me up! yum.
(and p.s. my 9-month-old has that exact same robot shirt :) hooray for target! and for rock star hair.)